Thursday, April 25, 2013


You know this is going to be a trend for I thought I'd share with you.
With our other two children sleep was routine, planned, and consistent.

Not with Mason...he doesn't want to be part of that mold. 
  • He is our first child to put EVERYTHING in his mouth...seriously he has licked the car.
  • He is our first child to climb on everything, we will see him swinging from the ceiling fan soon.
  • He is our first child to not think food is everything, sometimes he just can't be bothered.
  • He is our first child to struggle so highly with sleep
You know how they say you obsess on what you can't have...I am! The birth to three lady came the other day and we were discussing our sleep struggle and she said "I can see that you haven't been sleeping" and "you look tired".  Really, I know...sharing isn't necessary :o)

In the last week he has become fearful of his crib.  Like starts to cry when we enter his room.  After much trial and error we have found a happy medium with sitting next to his crib till he falls asleep.  Not ideal but I'm getting more blog reading time.  Plus it means less time in our bed, win, win!

How ever sleep comes we are super sensitive to make sure he is safe and LOVED!
He's worth losing sleep over, wouldn't you say?!?

Monday, April 1, 2013

toddler mommy

As a Momma to a "special needs" child I am so very thankful for all the knowledge, dedication, and experience that the doctors, aids, therapists, and evaluators have.  I am also so thankful for the special services he receives. 

But there is a part of me...I hope a very small part, that longs for him to be like a normal kid his age.  This is the progression of acceptance for this Momma.  The difference between us a other parents with children with needs is that we knew going into this particular parenting journey that there would be needs far beyond what our care alone would support.  There is that glimmering wish that there won't be as much need as they think, or that there isn't as much damage as they think. 

And our baby boy is functioning so very well.  He looks and acts very much like and almost 1 1/2 year old would.  But those tests and evaluations and doctors say he's delayed in almost every area.  And they are right, we see the frustration, the lack of words, and the unresponsiveness. 

We pray for our little man and know that he is so very worth it.  His future is in the hands of the Almighty and for this we are thankful!

Happy Easter

Mason cared nothing about eggs, but he LOVED the room to roam...
Happy Easter!!