Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Dilly Do

My silly Dilly eating Oreo's...just like his Mommy :o)
It's hard being the middle child, or so I hear.  Especially when you only had a weeks notice.  Tyler had nine months to get use to the idea of being a big brother, but we all had about 2 weeks of knowing about Mason and only about a week of knowing he was coming to live with us forever. My Dylan is still adjusting.
How do I know?
He says so, he says "having a baby brother is hard" and...
he lays in Mason's crib
sits in Mason's Bumbo seat
lays in the bassinet
climbs into the excersaucer
puts on a bib and pretends to cry
My list can go on...but you get the picture

 He loves his brother very much but struggles for where he fits. Extra hugs and snuggles aren't enough for him, he is finding his way but wants to make sure we still know he's there.  My baby is struggling with not being the baby anymore, and my heart hurts for him.  I know he will adjust and that this is good for him and all of us.  Good doesn't always mean easy, and that's OK. 

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18



  1. I understand it too! Miss H had the same reaction to her new nephew. She's starting to warm up to the idea of being bigger than him and being able to do things that he can't.
