Monday, February 23, 2015


This has been a week of sickness, such a week of testing.   And if we are going to be technical 8 days of icky.

It started on our last day of Family Love Weekend  (but more on that in another post). Dylan woke up and promptly threw up...all over the bathroom floor.   To state the positives, I much prefer children puking on tile floor as opposed to carpeted, thank you very much.  Slight problem, I  didn't turn on the light when I entered to help him and slide on the tile floor...eww.
Grossness aside.  Poor D was sick a good 3 days.
Now remembrance my hubby is an accountant will tell you just what an awful time of year this is to get sick.  During these last 2 weeks of February, there are now sick days and sometimes no weekends.  So when Mason spiked a fever Friday night, I thought "oh just a little  cold, no biggie". But it soon became clear overnight that this wasn't a simple cold.  A 3 year old doesn't think before he pukes, just saying.
Hubby woke from a horrible night sleep feeling just as awful as Mason but he had to pull it together to work a full 8 hours for the 6th day this week.  He works so hard for us.
But poor Mas can't seem to shake the upper respiratory infection and stomach bug combo.  I have been puked on for 3 straight days.  And when it happened today, I just started to laugh,  Cuz really by the 3rd sweatshirt change of the day, there isn't much left to do.
So with 3 down and 2 more to go, we wait.  Tyler came home from confirmation class tonight lightheaded and nauseous, so we prepare for another icky night.  As the Mama I am usually last to get it.  I am praying maybe it will bypass me this time but I know that may just be wishful thinking.

So if you are the praying kind I would love and appreciate all the prayers my kiddos can get.  It is so hard watching them be sick but the snuggles are great!

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