Sunday, May 1, 2011

Life Book

I questioned even posting about this.  As many know this is a personal blog for me.  It's to share my (and our) excitement, struggles, and progress.  If I offend I'm sorry.  This struggle is about the tool that is a necessary part of bringing our child home.  People have asked me what happens if the birth parents don't like any of the profiles/ life books they are presented with.  Well, some will choose to parent that child themselves and the statistics for parents who sought adoption and then choose to parent instead have a high DCF involvement rate.

Adoption is so different depending on your chocies.  We have choosen private adoption as it fits best with our family.  But the life book seems like a pled with a mom to give us her baby.  There are so many children out there who need loving homes that it frustrates me to have to pled with anyone to give up their baby.  It's not a ham or a house but a baby.  It's a great design I know, having a birth mom choose her child's family.  It leads to more comfort about her decision, and a say in how this child is raised.  It also leads to the child knowing so much more about where they came from and why they were put up for adoption.  This is great for the child.  But I can't help but feel the life book cheapens it or maybe it's just my fear of not getting choosen.  However long it takes I know that we are suppose to add another child to our family through adoption.

In the end I need to get over it.  I need to stop worrying about what others think and begin to follow what we feel God's calling us to do.  Who cares if people think we're selfish to adopt domestically.  Who cares if I have to go through putting together a book that sells us as a great family (we are great ;o).  I care about the little baby that God has waiting just for us and that no matter how long we wait or what hoops we have to jump through this baby needs our home and we need them!

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