Mason had his first shots with us anyway and it broke our hearts to see this content trusting baby jump when poked with a needle (and I have to take him back two more times for a shot). We are spacing them out because he is so little so we are doing one a week for three weeks. :o(
Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays, and this year even more so. Mason looked so cute in his Gobble, Gobble, Gobble outfit, but again since I can't post pictures you'll have to trust me. I was so relaxed this year, kids playing, people chatting, bonding happening. Just fabulous! Next year Mason eats Turkey.
We had a eye dr appointment for Mason. His eyes don't really come together and this may resolve itself in the next couple of months or he might need surgery...only time will tell. Also his eyes look healthy but we won't know till he's older if his brain is allowing him to see & focus. We pray that whatever God's will, he will give us the wisdom to help Mason shine.
Tyler is going for his green belt Friday, which is a big deal because it means parents no longer attend the graduations. He begins to do Karate for himself now rather then an audience. Tyler is so excited for the challenge, and it will be so good for him.
And last but not least, Steve & Dylan join the black belt club in Karate, which is not only a cool uniform change, but the ability to learn weapons training. They are both really excited and Mason and I will be investing in earplugs to save us from all the karate shouting that I'm sure will increase. :o)
Over all the greatest event this last week or so has been the love from our family and friends. From cribs, to showers, to meals and hugs... we can't say enough thank you's. We all are blessed to have you!
I hope we can find more family time for us. I know with going back to work next week this will be tough, but it's the thing I'll miss the most.
Happy week Y'all!