Sunday, November 20, 2011

What's in a name??

Since we found out our little boy was going to be ours...he's been called Mason.  His foster mommy started using it then, the social workers, and our friends did.  He's our Mason.
This name has been with us for about 2 years now, long before we were ever called to adopt. 

But there is a snafu
He has a social security card in another name. 

Which means legally he's Alex.  To the insurance company and doctors office.  And for some reason that breaks my heart a little.  I know it's a silly reason....
and come March or April when the adoption is finalized he will be Mason forever. 

No real incite to share or fitting Bible verse, sometimes this process creates feelings and emotions I just didn't know were there and not really sure they have a name :o)

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