Thursday, August 18, 2011

Family Outing

It isn't very often, I'm sad to say, that we have gotten to get away for a day trip.  We had our week at the beach but summer is one of the few times you can jet off for a day and do something you don't normally do.  Well today we did.  We went to a cartoon museum and it was great. Nothing talked, flashed, or moved.  It was simple fun, and such a nice change of pace. 
There were lots of photo ops and we took advantage of almost all of them.  Here are just a few to capture our trip. 

My mom found someone she's taller than...

My dad found someone taller than him

The kids found their favorite characters

and we made some great memories too.

We ended our day with some ice cream...Muddy sneakers was the ice cream flavor'll have to experience that flavor for yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great day with family, especially grandparents! So blessed!
