Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life interrupted...

I had a whole other post planned to write tonight, about summer and going by so fast.  Then life interrupted.  We have been struggling with an interference in our boys.  Not sure if it's the food we are eating or the electronics they are playing, or the impending changes (adoption, school starting, etc.) but something is just not right.  As a mom I can FEEL it.  I know that sounds odd but it's all I know. 

Tonight my oldest son had a rough night with his brother and being kind in general.  So as a consequence he had to do karate without his belt.  This seems like a small consequence but it left him feeling and telling his brother that he wanted to run away.  And my heart hurts just as much as his does at times like these. 

At bed time we talked and played through life scenario's.  We talked about why God made parents and that our job is to make sure that they grow up to be the men God wants them to be...trustworthy, God fearing, kind, compassionate men! And as God would have it, during our bed time prayer I said something that touch Tyler's heart and he "got it".  The tears flowed, encouragement flowed, and love flowed.  So clesha but truly how the night ended, it opened up a door to talk about the hard things in life and that as a family (and with God's strength) we help get though anything together.

As a mom it was a very emotional and heart filling night.  I saw Tyler ache at choices he made and feel forgiveness and strength in his family support.  God is so GOOD!! 

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